Keowee Expert Blog Everything all the Time and Now!
Not just the mantra of the youth of the day, but also what happens to everyone around Lake Keowee – especially parents – this time of year. Wednesday night RC Edwards Middle school football scrimmage, Thursday night Clemson Football game, Friday night DW Daniel home football game, Saturday and Sunday first full weekend of college football and Monday was Labor Day. I guess the theme of the week was “I hope you got everything that needed to be done around the house done early.”
The good news is that it was and is all the stuff we love to do and as my older friends and family are fond of saying many of those activities centered on children will be over way too soon. So I guess, make sure you bring your camera that way you can enjoy the memories for long after the activities are completed. But at the same time, don’t miss the moments with your face glued to the screen, live in the moments, too. Heck, you can even set up a movie room in your new Lake Keowee home so that when the kids and grandkids come back to visit you will have a way of remembering and reminiscing. I don’t know about you but the things that happened around me when I was 12 have long been deleted from my memory banks.
Business was good over the past week as we had some good tours and put a house under contract. This incredibly good weather doesn’t hurt. Certainly a far cry from this spring with all of its rain. The overall market seems to have taken that rain in stride after the slow start to the year with waterfront housing transactions slightly behind year over year. The lots on the other hand are 22% down year over year. Probably two main factors to that, higher building costs and a really rainy spring.
We keep pushing hard to get our listings out in front of as many eyes as possible!
Pickleball taking over one county park
Pickleball taking over one county park
Boat sinks in Keowee Collision
Boat sinks in Keowee collision
Officials say be prepared before hiking, swimming
Officials say be prepared before hiking swimming
Duke Energy to move transformers this week
Duke Energy to move transformers this week
Final approval on Seneca short-term rental ordinance could come next week
Final approval on Seneca short-term rental ordinance could come next week