Nov 6, 2024
We did get us a Lake Keowee waterfront lot closed last week. Always good news to have some activity. There are currently 11 Lake Keowee houses under contract and 5 Lake Keowee lots under contract. We currently have 1 Lake Keowee waterfront side, and 3 Lake Keowee interior lot sides on our board to close. That’s not too bad for November in an election year but can always be better.
Oct 23, 2024
We’ve had another good week closing on over a million dollars in Lake Keowee real estate, locking down a new Keowee Key listing and meeting some folks to talk about listing their house in the morning. We’ve got a couple of good Lake Keowee waterfront lot tours scheduled, as well. Before too much longer it’ll be cold for realz and activity will slow (fo reel fo reel).
Sep 4, 2024
Tough Labor Day Weekend for the Clemson, Florida State and Virginia Tech fans around Lake Keowee. You Georgia fans are feeling frisky again, congratulations your team looked dominate on the field. Hopefully, Clemson will get another chance in a couple of months. You just never know. What does this have to do with Lake Keowee real estate? Nothing really, just put me in a bad mood and I’ve got to talk about it with somebody.
Aug 7, 2024
All we know for certain is that we’ve added some great listings over the past week and plan to get some of those buyers in the doors and put their boots on the ground. Check out 199 Luther Land Rd., 302 Meadowlark Lane and Lot 30 Harborside. We are hopeful we can get these under contract quickly. If you know anybody who may have interest, pass those links along or simply have them give us a call. We also have a few million more in real estate to close before the end of August. 2024 is too early to call, let’s see what the 4th quarter has to offer.
Sep 20, 2023
We are hopeful that business will continue as it has over this entire year. We’re looking at closing over $1M in Lake Keowee lots over the remainder of the week. After that things get a bit slower as the inventory remains lower than the number of perspective buyers. It’s still a great time for you potential sellers and if history is any indicator, folks love to look at Lake Keowee real estate in the fall. The views begin to open and you can walk up and down multiple properties without having to change your shirt.
Sep 28, 2022
It almost goes without saying that there are a lot of college football fans around Lake Keowee and fortunately for those folks Clemson University is just minutes away. This week our area is at the center of college football as Clemson will host ESPN’s College Gameday (currently college football’s premier television show) as our #5 […]
Feb 23, 2022
Lake Keowee real estate listings have a plethora of ingredients mixed together before the finished product is revealed. Going into great detail here would be mind-numbing and most of us are here for a short read. The important information is we’ve got some properties bubbling in the cauldron which is a very good thing as […]
Dec 15, 2021
Lake Keowee crystal clear days with steam fog coming off the water is a spectacular sight to see. It happens every year about this time and is one of our favorite happenings. Makes for excellent pictures and videos! Another great thing about this time of year, beyond the Christmas lights of course, is the fact […]
Sep 15, 2021
Lake Keowee waters are plenty warm for y’all to continue to enjoy. I know football on the weekends has put a nice a dent in your free time, but make sure you take advantage of Lake time before it gets too cold. You’ll be glad you did. How’s business? Good! Still closing property and listing […]
May 27, 2020
And putting Lake Keowee homes and lots under contract! Folks are really excited to get away from other areas to the peace and queit of Lake Keowee. If you haven’t read my last few posts (you’re in luck! They are archived all the way back to like 2010), you may not have realized all of […]