Jan 29, 2025
Your job, should you choose to accept it, is quite simple; think deeply about how much you are using your Lake Keowee real estate, what are your future plans, could selling your property in a really hot market be a REALLY good idea? Once you’ve thought enough and come up with some questions (such as what my property is currently worth) it’s time to give us a call at 864-270-9186 or drop us an email at [email protected] or [email protected].
Dec 18, 2024
It’s really that time of year around Lake Keowee with folks realizing (me) that we have less than a week until Christmas. Got to get stocking stuffers, presents, etc., etc. and sell as much Lake Keowee real estate as is possible this time of year. It’s all a bit more complicated when you are trying to plan around everyone’s personal and business schedules.
Dec 11, 2024
With rain, cold weather, holidays and winter the Lake Keowee real estate market is a bit slower this time of year. It does look like we’re closing in on our 3rd best year ever with a volume just short of $30M for the year. We’re still working on getting a couple of new listings to add to the stable, having a few in the pipeline in various stages of preparedness. We also have some good ones in inventory that are receiving good scrutiny. It’d be fantastic to get several more good ones to set us up for a second or first best year for 2025.
Jun 5, 2024
Around Lake Keowee we’ve received plenty of rain so far this year. That’s led to plenty of green grass and lots of growth. Great time to get your unimproved Lake Keowee waterfront lot under brushed (we’ve got folks for that) as you can get rid of the new growth and make it easy to walk (easier to under brush next time as well). Once it’s done you’ll see what a great piece of Lake Keowee waterfront property it is and decide to build a house (we’ve got some builders we can send your way) or put it on the market to turn it into cold hard cash (we can tell you how much it is worth and get it SOLD for the most amount of money in the least amount of time with the least amount of stress).
Mar 27, 2024
Well, you may need to go ahead and buy the Lake Keowee real estate, pontoon boat, etc. The good news is your favorite people will probably bring crackers. We’re here to help with the first part. There are some good properties available that more than likely will fit the bill. The inventory remains tight, but if you’ll get engaged (let us set you up with an automatic search) and be a bit patient, what you are looking for will make itself known.
Oct 12, 2023
You’re invited, of course. The only requirement is that you make an appointment to see Mike and/or Matt Roach at Top Guns Realty to discuss either your interest in touring available properties or houses depending on your needs or your interest in putting your HalloKeoween property on the market and collecting and nice pre-Christmas time lump sum that will definitely take care of all your holiday shopping (see phone number and email addresses below).
Sep 13, 2023
We get a Lake Keowee listing, we get it sold. Quickly. How quickly? There…that quickly. That’s been the theme lately. The fast turn-around time on listings of Lake Keowee property has led to a great situation for you potential sellers. Let’s say you’ve been sitting on that Lake Keowee waterfront lot (or interior with boat slip) for years, hoping to do something with it but never finding the time. Well, maybe now is the time to turn it around quickly and get maximum dollars before the end of 2023 and the presidential election year of 2024. This also works for Lake Keowee waterfront or interior homes, by the way.
Apr 13, 2022
And Lions and Tigers and Bears, oh my! Aside from the wild fauna, the Lake Keowee flora is inundating the area with the earmarks of the season. Pollen is letting us know who’s boss and, so far at least, the rain is cooperating nicely by washing it off pretty consistently. There are still plenty of […]
Nov 24, 2021
Here we are on Lake Keowee and it’s that time of year again, football rivalry week! Oh yeah, and Thanksgiving, the time to give thanks for all of the blessings of the previous year (self care tip: do it daily, it’s way more fun than grumping over the negative stuff). I’m gut is growling just […]
Nov 17, 2021
Lake Keowee real estate has been booming during the entire year of 2021. So much so, it’s almost impossible to believe we are a little over a week away from Thanksgiving. Certainly, the warmer weather leading up to now has made the summer season seem to last a good bit longer. I’m only on my […]