11Mar 4, 2020
So we’re all set around Lake Keowee, April. We won’t be needing your precipitation of any kind thank you very much. Yet another week of rainy days on Keowee as we head into early March 2020. Some really good news was we had a beautiful weekend to enjoy. It’s amazing how excited I get these days […]
12Feb 19, 2020
It’s raining. Again. It’s been raining a lot around Lake Keowee. We’ve averaged around .3 inches a day so far in 2020, literally putting a damper on everything. I could’ve sworn I saw animals lining up 2 by 2 earlier this morning on the way in to work but I could’ve just imagined that. The […]
13Sep 4, 2019
Not just the mantra of the youth of the day, but also what happens to everyone around Lake Keowee – especially parents – this time of year. Wednesday night RC Edwards Middle school football scrimmage, Thursday night Clemson Football game, Friday night DW Daniel home football game, Saturday and Sunday first full weekend of college […]
14Jul 24, 2019
We’re seeing a cold front come through the Lake Keowee area, or should I say a slightly less stifling front, as the temperatures will still be in the lower 80’s. Not to seem ungrateful, because that’s significantly preferable to the triple digit temperatures we’ve been flirting with and will be a very nice change. Dare […]
15Oct 24, 2018
These are the type of days we see this time of year(Chamber of Commerce days as we like to call them); clean, crisp, make you want to just walk around with your hands in your pockets and your head in the clouds kind of days. Great days (great Chamber of commerce days) for videos and […]
16Oct 3, 2018
No, not those northern oceans next to Canada. Our beautiful Lake Keowee! Over the past couple of days I’ve spent a lot of time out on it. Let me tell you, I think this is my favorite time of the year to be out there. While jet skiing with a couple of friends on Thursday […]