Feb 5, 2025
As I sit here writing this Lake Keowee Real Estate Expert Blog, the temperature is a balmy 79 degrees. That’s a Chamber of Commerce Day for us, especially since it’s February! I’m not foolish enough to think temps will stay like this for long as I expect us to see at least one or two more serious cold snaps prior to spring popping by and saying, “Hello, how’s the family?”. It does bring to mind the idea of spring, though, and the fact that now is the time to get your Lake Keowee real estate on the market!
Jan 29, 2025
Your job, should you choose to accept it, is quite simple; think deeply about how much you are using your Lake Keowee real estate, what are your future plans, could selling your property in a really hot market be a REALLY good idea? Once you’ve thought enough and come up with some questions (such as what my property is currently worth) it’s time to give us a call at 864-270-9186 or drop us an email at [email protected] or [email protected].
Jan 22, 2025
Yet another good week as we were able to add one contract and start working on another offer. Hopefully, both will go off without a hitch (who am I kidding, there is always a hitch). We’ve also bee on a couple of listing presentations as folks realize the cold weather won’t last forever. Have you realized this? Soon, you’re going to be thinking, “man, I should already have had my Lake Keowee waterfront property on the market.” Well, let this serve as your Lake Keowee real estate listing alarm…DON’T PUSH SNOOZE.
Jan 15, 2025
We made it through the first snow we’ve seen around Lake Keowee in a number of years and the timing couldn’t have been better as it came in on Friday and was pretty much gone by Sunday granting us a white and fluffy weekend. If we’re going to have snow again this year, or ever again, let it come just like that, all of the beauty with very little of the pain. Looks like we’re going to continue with the freezing temperatures for a few more weeks, though. The sooner spring is underway, the happier I’ll be.
Dec 18, 2024
It’s really that time of year around Lake Keowee with folks realizing (me) that we have less than a week until Christmas. Got to get stocking stuffers, presents, etc., etc. and sell as much Lake Keowee real estate as is possible this time of year. It’s all a bit more complicated when you are trying to plan around everyone’s personal and business schedules.
Dec 11, 2024
With rain, cold weather, holidays and winter the Lake Keowee real estate market is a bit slower this time of year. It does look like we’re closing in on our 3rd best year ever with a volume just short of $30M for the year. We’re still working on getting a couple of new listings to add to the stable, having a few in the pipeline in various stages of preparedness. We also have some good ones in inventory that are receiving good scrutiny. It’d be fantastic to get several more good ones to set us up for a second or first best year for 2025.
Dec 5, 2024
You potential sellers need to make the dreams of the buyers come true! Maybe you have to leave our beautiful area or better yet, you want to buy an even nicer piece of Lake Keowee property. You’ve got to make that happen and we can help!
Nov 26, 2024
Back to the actual reason you are here; Lake Keowee real estate. Another excellent week for Top Guns Realty, Inc., as we’ve been able to put 2 Lake Keowee waterfront lots under contract as well as closing a Lake Keowee interior lot. We currently have all of the waterfront lots that are dock-able between $300,000 and $500,000 in the MLS listed (5 properties). If you want one of those, we’re here to help (these very well may be the last ones you see on the market in this price range for the foreseeable future)
Nov 13, 2024
Fantastic setting around Lake Keowee with the sun shimmering and the leaves responding! It’s hard to imagine a more beautiful scene. Halloween is behind us and Thanksgiving is just over a couple weeks away. Isn’t it hard to believe? It’ll be 2025 before I finish writing thi…….…
Nov 6, 2024
We did get us a Lake Keowee waterfront lot closed last week. Always good news to have some activity. There are currently 11 Lake Keowee houses under contract and 5 Lake Keowee lots under contract. We currently have 1 Lake Keowee waterfront side, and 3 Lake Keowee interior lot sides on our board to close. That’s not too bad for November in an election year but can always be better.