Keowee Expert Blog The New Normal
Turned out to be a really nice week weather-wise leading to lots of activity around Lake Keowee over the weekend. People were out in force trying to get away from their lives of social distancing, trying to return to a level of normal even if things are still abnormal. I guess it’s just a new way of life, at least for now, something we all have to and will get used to. Learning to live with the “new normal” and taking the proper precautions is the key for us all when it comes to the virus. By this time next year this will be all behind us and we will be finding new ways to make sure it doesn’t happen again – hopefully. It’s been another great week for us as we’ve been able to put 4 Lake Keowee waterfront homes under contract along with 3 lots. That’s busy and is leading to one of the best, if not the best, June we’ve had in our history (that’s over 30 years of selling property on Lake Keowee). Hopefully, the country can begin to heal soon as we enter a difficult time for our society. With all of the new methods of communications has come a real microscope into our daily lives and beliefs. It is our reality and we’ve got to learn to live with it and through it, or despite it, learn to thrive as a country.
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Lake Keowee Area News Corner
Nuclear station gets positive marks from NRC
Nuclear station gets positive marks from NRC

In its latest inspection of the three Oconee Nuclear Station units, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission found the plant performed at the highest possible level.
Clemson, Central playgrounds to reopen
Clemson Central playgrounds to reopen

Clemson, Central playgrounds to reopen
Realtors secure grant for tornado-damaged homes
Realtors secure grant for tornado-damaged homes

Savannah Blake | The Journal
Snapped power poles and downed lines litter Oak Street in Seneca.
Parks move into next stage of reopen
Parks move into next stage of reopen

Reagan Morgan, 15, and Garrett Morgan, 10, get ready to paddleboard at South Cove County Park in Seneca on Monday. (Savannah Blake | The Journal)