Lake Keowee Real Estate Expert Blog Rainy Days ’23 Style
We’re starting to see the pop-up, late afternoon thunderstorms that can frequent the Lake Keowee area as the weather starts to get summer warm. You can be out on the lake all day and then out of nowhere (obviously somewhere, moisture from the lake, etc. lifting into the atmosphere where it cools and gets unstable) a thunderstorm. Most times you can be on one part of the lake with no problems and folks are getting drenched just a short distance away. The great thing about this situation is that once the storms have passed through you are left with an empty Lake Keowee and an incredible afternoon/sunset, which is my absolute favorite time to be on the water.
How’s business you ask yet again? Closing some more Lake Keowee property this week. That’s always the best answer. This time it’s an interior home with a dock slip. We also have several buyer tours scheduled as well as a few tours of our listings. Business as usual, just on a smaller scale than the same time last year. That dadgum lack of inventory smacking us up side the head again.
Seller’s you can still help. It’s still a great time to list your property. Prices are good and you are probably in a positive equity situation. Let us help you figure it out. Shoot us an email to [email protected] or call 864-270-9186.