Lake Keowee Real Estate Expert Blog Fits and Starts
It’s spring on Lake Keowee! No, wait… it’s winter on Lake Keowee, I mean, um, spring! Nope, winter again.…enough with the meteorological schizophrenia, let’s have spring already. What say you? The current climate is causing delays in us bringing new property to the market as folks are getting held up from getting things accomplished through all the mud and muck. The end result will be a remarkably busy week once the rain stops, so yeah, we’re excited!
We’re still humming along with Lake Keowee closings and as long as we can continue to fill the front end with new listings, the closings on the back-end will continue to occur. That’s where all of you property owners come into the picture. Obviously not everyone is ready to sell, but I’m sure many of you are thinking hard. When you do decide to hop down off the fence, put your Lake Keowee real estate on the market with us. Give us a call 864-270-9186 or email or We’ll be more than happy come out and take a look at your property to give you an idea of its value. Shoot, we’ll even do it in the rain!
Lake Keowee Area News Corner
SC lifts pandemic limits on alcohol sales, mass gatherings

Pandemic limits changed.