Lake Keowee Real Estate Expert Blog Bustin’ Out!
The leaves around Lake Keowee are making a comeback. I expect by this time next month many of those wide open views will be closed for the season (especially on the unimproved properties!). Lake Keowee waterfront property owners, if you’ve been on the fence about putting your lot on the market, now is a good time to pull that trigger and get it done. It’s a lot easier for folks to get an idea of a Lake Keowee waterfront property with the leaves off of the trees than with them on. So now is the time for us to get out there and shoot the pictures and videos, but we do need to know you want to get her sold first. So call us ASAP.
It was another good week for Lake Keowee real estate experts Mike and Matt Roach as we were able to put a 361-acre tract of land under contract as well as another much smaller parcel. We have a couple more potential listings in the hopper to add to the unrestricted piece we put on the market a few days back. Our hope is that the year will continue to flow as smoothly as it has so far with us getting a few listings and selling a few listings every couple of weeks. It looks likely that FED will increase interest rates which may have a bit of a dampening effect for the overall market. Less sure how much of an effect it’ll have on our market. We’ll just have to see.
Y’all have a great week but remember. if you’re ready to list, we’re ready to list it!
- Check tiles. Replace all that are worn or chipped.
- Replace floors worn by water damage.
- Caulk and grout tile joints.
- Remove all grime, water stains and mildew.
- Thoroughly clean all surfaces.
- Repair all leaky faucets and shower heads.
- Polish faucets and faucet handles. Buy replacement faucet knobs if necessary.
- Clear counter tops and rearrange cabinets inside to create a neat and orderly appearance.
- Clean and rearrange medicine cabinet. Remove clutter.
- Put out fresh towels, including a guest towel.
- Check strength and condition of all towel racks. Tighten loose racks.
- Replace worn shower or bath curtains.
- Install bright light bulbs.
- Check exhaust fan. Repair if in poor condition. Clean vent openings.
Lake Keowee Area News Corner
New law increases wake zone limit on lakes
New law increases wake zone limit on lakes

A new bill signed in South Carolina changes rules over no wake zones and on other areas of the lake. Special to The Journal
Groundbreaking event for Salem project today
Groundbreaking event for Salem project today

Last summer, Oconee County Council unanimously approved awarding Salem up to $2 million for a waterline extension with money from the federal American Rescue Plan Act package.
Taking a look at the deep end of the trout pool
Taking a look at the deep end of the trout pool

Lake Jocassee is managed as a put, grow and take fishery for both rainbow and brown trout and has developed into a premier trophy trout fishery in South Carolina. (Phillip Gentry | For The Journal)
Seneca Creek access area project underway
Seneca Creek access area project underway

Crews work to complete construction of a new three-lane boat ramp at the Seneca Creek access area on Lake Hartwell. (Special to The Journal)