Keowee Expert Blog Stay in the Present
With all of the depressing news and misinformation we’re constantly bombarded with it can sometimes be difficult to keep a smile on your face or a bounce in your step. That’s why we as a species have created places like Lake Keowee to visit. I believe it’s a human necessity to connect with the feeling that being at the lake fully embodies. As y’all are aware and as I’ve stated many times in this Lake Keowee real estate expert blog, it’s hard to be sad on a jet ski. My bigger point here is even beyond the big things like lake homes or properties or docks or jet skis it’s important to keep a positive attitude, especially right now. Many of life’s situations can be made much better (or worse) from taking a little different perspective. So our wish for you as you head into this holiday season is that you’re able to see the bright side of most situations and spread a little sunshine to everyone with whom you come in contact. The great thing about doing this is it’ll make you feel better, as well.
On to business; another good week as we’ve been able to close on two Lake Keowee lots and put a million plus dollar home under contract. The buyer activity has been strong as we head into the Thanksgiving holiday and we expect a couple of the other tours we’ve had over the past week will turn into another deal or two getting done. Overall, houses are lagging behind last year’s numbers and lots are lagging behind a bit more (see the reports below). We figure the latter is an effect of building costs being up a bit as well as builders being busy. Most of the time it’s just easier to buy something already constructed even if you don’t get everything you want.
Lake Keowee Area News Corner
County airport gets $1.2M federal grant
County airport gets 1.2M federal grant
