Lake Keowee Croozin’ Right Along
Into another great year of listing and selling Lake Keowee real estate. What could be better? We honestly absolutely love what we do! We had a break in the clouds for a spell over the past week and were able to put the time to good use as we added two new homes and a new lot to our listing inventory. This time of year is always difficult when it comes to getting things done that are dependent on weather. One day you’re out at the baseball field in 60 degree temperatures the next you are in the rain/sleet with temperatures in the high 30’s. Makes you wonder if May forgot where you live and isn’t coming to visit. Fortunately, we were even able to squeeze in an aerial video on Monday before the weather’s schizophrenia kicked in and a 5 day rainy period blew in. On top of that we put a $1.2 M house under contract and are working on getting one of our lot listings under contract and maybe even another house. The good news is spring will be here before we know it which brings up a key issue.
If you are thinking about selling, stop thinking and start doing. Now is the time to get your property ready to show and on the market. In some cases it can take months to get all of the little loose ends tied up to get ready for the market. If you wait too long you’ll miss out on the bulk of the months where the most people are out looking – spring!
Obviously we can help with all of that. Give us a call and we’ll get out to your home or lot and let you know what needs to be done and give you names of folks who can take care of the issues. We make it easy!
Once you’ve decided to consult with an agent, the decision of which one to choose is probably the biggest and most important decision you’ll make in the entire process.
The best first step is to talk with close friends and relatives who have recently sold a home. Ask if they had a good experience, whether they would recommend the agent and if they had any reservations or things they wished the agent had done differently.
Also talk to professionals you may know in related industries, including lenders, title officers, contractors or builders, accountants and lawyers. Ask them what it is they recommend about the agents they refer and whether they themselves have ever used the agent’s services.
Finally, look around your neighborhood to see what agents seem to be listing and selling the most houses. Take a look at the ads, direct mail, brochures, signs and other materials that the agents use to promote the house they sell.
- Do they seem professional and high-quality?
- Do they present an image of an organized, competent professional?
- Do they impress you as someone you may be interested in working with?
Keep in mind that if you don’t like the way they market themselves and other people’s homes, you probably won’t like the way they market yours either.
