Fall Colors, Shorter Days and Rain
I’m not getting my peak colors fix right now. This dad gum rain is stealing my joy! The splendor of the fall colors are be relished and we’re missing it! It was quite spectacular over the weekend, especially at that Louisville v. Clemson football game (a deliciously lopsided victory by the way), but since Monday we’ve been hammered by a consistently gloomy overcast, yucky, rainy mess. It doesn’t help that the sun goes down at like 4 in the afternoon now.Totally “Booo”, and not the fun Halloween way. It’s making it impossible to get all of our videos completed for the 5 new listings we have gotten over the last week. Rain, rain go away, come again after all of the leaves are off of the trees and I’ve seen my fill of God’s splendor.
As alluded to above, we remain very busy with folks still wanting to get properties out on the market and take advantage of the fall weather along with the buyers that are still out there. Out of the blue we had a tour and listing appointment yesterday, got 3 new listings on Saturday and another on Friday. We also inked up another waterfront lot. All good stuff and what we strive to do on a weekly basis. We are anxious to continue to fill our sales board with sales and our listing stable with listings. Reality is if we have no listings, we have no business.
Even though the rain is out there the colors are still beautiful and, fingers crossed, by the end of the week there will be sun again! The temperatures remain mild and it’s a perfect time to come out and check out some Lake Keowee real estate.

Festival will celebrate life, remember loved ones.