Keowee Expert Blog It’s January, Right?
A surprisingly good Lake Keowee week this past week as we were able to blow away the fog of a weekend in New Orleans to put a Lake Keowee home and waterfront lot under contract. We also met with a couple of folks looking to put their Lake Keowee waterfront homes on the market. Let me tell you, and I can’t stress this enough, now is a really good time to do just that. The inventory of waterfront homes on Lake Keowee has fallen to under 100. That is the lowest we’ve seen in quite a long time and creates an opportunity for you (if you own one of those) to sell yours for the most possible money in the least amount of time with a minimal amount of stress.
If you’ve been thinking about that, give us a call (864-270-9186) and we’ll be happy to give you an idea of what your home is worth and what you need to do to get it primed and market-ready. There are a lot of little things to take care of if you want to make the selling of your home as painless and profitable as possible. We’ve been selling homes and land around this lake since 1988 so we know what it takes to get it done right.
Lake Keowee Area News Corner