11Feb 9, 2022
Lake Keowee enjoys a plethora of activities in the areas around her shores. There are beautiful mountains, numerous state parks, a variety of shopping venues, along with theaters, restaurants, clubs, etc… and, of course, my alma mater Clemson University. A primary harbinger of spring is the college baseball season and that is literally upon us […]
12Jan 18, 2022
Lake Keowee received a visit from a snow maker over the weekend. Laying down somewhere in the neighborhood of 5-8 inches depending on which end of Keowee you are on. As expected, the snow led to some power outages as well as some big fun. It’s not often we see snow in our area and […]
13Dec 22, 2021
Lake Keowee Christmas week is finally here! Time for us to take a break and run around like chickens with our heads cut off trying to make it to all of the parties, functions, recitals, plays, drop-ins, gatherings and other various and sundry commitments, getting presents for everyone we love (and maybe just like a […]
14Dec 15, 2021
Lake Keowee crystal clear days with steam fog coming off the water is a spectacular sight to see. It happens every year about this time and is one of our favorite happenings. Makes for excellent pictures and videos! Another great thing about this time of year, beyond the Christmas lights of course, is the fact […]
15Nov 24, 2021
Here we are on Lake Keowee and it’s that time of year again, football rivalry week! Oh yeah, and Thanksgiving, the time to give thanks for all of the blessings of the previous year (self care tip: do it daily, it’s way more fun than grumping over the negative stuff). I’m gut is growling just […]
16Nov 17, 2021
Lake Keowee real estate has been booming during the entire year of 2021. So much so, it’s almost impossible to believe we are a little over a week away from Thanksgiving. Certainly, the warmer weather leading up to now has made the summer season seem to last a good bit longer. I’m only on my […]
17Oct 20, 2021
Well, well, well. Apparently some of y’all have been paying closer attention to the Lake Keowee Real Estate Blog than we thought. We were able to add three listings to our stable and subsequently sold 2 of them (maybe 3 as the last one hits the market today). So you other Johnny-Come-Latelys who are still […]
18Sep 22, 2021
Lake Keowee area properties can still be purchases using the currently, still, incredibly low interest rates. At present we are looking at interest rates for a 30-year note hovering right around 3%. I can remember when we first got into real estate. A rate below 10% was incredibly good. Now, if the rates moved up […]
19Aug 18, 2021
I guess we could use the rain around Lake Keowee. Either way we are getting the rain all over Lake Keowee and the properties that surround it. Tropical storm Fred is dumping up to 3 inches or more of rain all over us. If you have to drive around, make sure you have your eyes […]
20Aug 11, 2021
Around Lake Keowee it’s been very active, which isn’t surprising for the month of August, and “Southern warm” (which is code for hot and humid to our brethren from the north). Temperatures will be in the lower 90’s for the remainder of the week with a good chance of afternoon thunderstorms. You know the best […]