Yeah, You Missed Us!
Yes, part of the dynamic duo of Top Guns Realty took a vacation last week. Took the kids down to Florida to visit Grandma and Legoland, Sea World, Key Largo, bowling alleys, fast food restaurants, a golf course or three, and even a fish or three thousand whilst snorkeling. Poor Mike was left to handle all of the various and sundry elements that a week of being Lake Keowee Real Estate Experts entails. And a dog gone good job he did, closing an $850,000 house and putting a $340,000 lot under contract! Maybe I should go on more vacations?
Unfortunately he can’t do everything so this Lake Keowee Real Estate Expert Blog lay fallow and untended. We apologize, we know you may have become lonely, forlorn even. But we’re back and we’re going to make it right so LET’S ROLL!!!
It’s raining, the leaves are almost completely out, we’re still officially in drought status, house sales good below $600,000 and OK above, and still a lot of lots on the market. Done. How was that?
Just kidding, we’re far from done. We added three new listings last week and have to get rid of this rain in order to complete all of the videos you guys have come to expect and deserve. We’re also getting agonizingly closer to the launch of our new and improved Lake Keowee Real Estate Expert Web site with yet another meeting with the designers today (a good bit longer process than we were hoping for, but it is understandable as this Lake Keowee Real Estate expert site has a LOT of information to convey!). On top of that we are adding upgraded communication devices allowing us to go “live” with customers and clients via a video conferencing and collaboration system. Prepare to be amazed!
I guess we’d better get to it, all that collaboration ain’t going to collaborate itself!
If you want to know more about anything we do, would like to see us discuss a particular subject, or have some suggestions for changes/additions to our format, take a moment to send us an email at [email protected] or [email protected]. We would really appreciate your input!