11Jun 28, 2023
Lake Keowee will be rocking over the next few days as we hit the pinnacle of the lake selling season. For some unexplained reason, we seem to be in the midst of a strange summer, at least so far. Possibly it’s due to the weather being a bit cooler and the amount of rain we’ve received over the last couple of weeks. It’s almost like we haven’t gotten into that summer grove yet. The really good news is there’s still plenty of summer left to get our groove back!
12May 17, 2023
It’s that time of year around Lake Keowee: graduation time. Clemson University just had their graduation ceremonies and now the local High Schools are gearing up for theirs over the next couple of weeks. With that comes a slight lull before the market really heats up to its highest temperature of the year, the dates between June 6th and about July 16th. These are the days to have your Lake Keowee property on the market if you want to get the highest value
13Mar 1, 2023
Not the hilarious TV sitcom, the actual outside temperature! Go get your boat and jet skis ready because it’s time to get out on Lake Keowee! It’s a perfect day to hit the water (maybe not get in the water quite yet)! It’s also a great day to get outside and stop looking at that […]
14Oct 27, 2022
The colors around Lake Keowee are spectacular! I hope y’all can appreciate the show as much as I do, driving home last night as the sun was beginning to set was awe-inspiring. Often, I forget the most inspiring things can be right in front of me. I’ve learned to appreciate a rainy day more because […]
15Jun 15, 2022
Lake Keowee had a good bit of rain last week, but now we are seeing a good bit of sun. This is leading to what some are calling a heatwave. Any long time Southerner knows we’re only preheating. Wait til August, friends. That’s eggs cooking on the sidewalk weather, and par for the course. Nonetheless, we […]
16May 11, 2022
The lovely flowers of May are popping up everywhere around Lake Keowee. It’s a wonderful time of year as the leaves begin to completely fill in all of the gaps making everything feel vibrant and new. The temperatures have been mild and comfortable and we’ve had a good mix of sunny and rainy days keeping […]
17May 4, 2022
You see it everywhere, often afloat in the coves of the beautiful waters of Lake Keowee. A flimsy yellow/green carpet on top of the water: pollen. It’s that time of year and we all have to figure out a way to survive it again. It may be a key link in the seasonal growth of […]
18Apr 27, 2022
Will you answer? Hopefully, everybody around Lake Keowee is getting their boats and Jet skis cleaned up and ready to hit the water. We had a couple of frosty mornings last week but the temps are starting to creep into the higher 70’s and will hit the 80’s by Sunday (even though it’s supposed to […]
19Mar 23, 2022
The leaves around Lake Keowee are making a comeback. I expect by this time next month many of those wide open views will be closed for the season (especially on the unimproved properties!). Lake Keowee waterfront property owners, if you’ve been on the fence about putting your lot on the market, now is a good […]
20Mar 16, 2022
That’s the only way I can think to describe the Lake Keowee area weather. I don’t even think that phrase makes sense but there it is. We are blessed with some nice warm days then as soon as we settle in mentally for spring, we’re blasted with some really nasty cold days. It was even […]