161Jun 30, 2020
It’s the time of year around Lake Keowee for early afternoon thunderstorms that race through the area scaring dogs and little children with their cacophony of bowling alley-like mayhem; scattering boaters off of the water all the while resulting in a perfect situation for a late afternoon Lake Keowee cruise. Some of my favorite times […]
162Jun 23, 2020
Nope, it’s not over in places close to Lake Keowee. The COVID– 19 virus is still with us more so every day apparently. Around Clemson University, several students that have returned to the area have tested positive for the virus. The football team reported 23 cases alone. You remember when you were 18 and you […]
163Jun 17, 2020
Man, don’t you guys love the summertime around Lake Keowee? It’s great to get outside and enjoy nature, especially during a pandemic! I don’t understand how all of y’all do it in the big cities, especially now. Our lives have been affected, yes, but not nearly to the levels of you who call places like […]
164Jun 10, 2020
And the livin’ is easy! The sunny season and all that comes with it has begun around Lake Keowee. It began early for all of us who have children since virtual classes ended a week earlier than a normal school year. That has led to a LOT of folks wanting to be out and about […]
165Jun 3, 2020
Turned out to be a really nice week weather-wise leading to lots of activity around Lake Keowee over the weekend. People were out in force trying to get away from their lives of social distancing, trying to return to a level of normal even if things are still abnormal. I guess it’s just a new […]
166May 27, 2020
And putting Lake Keowee homes and lots under contract! Folks are really excited to get away from other areas to the peace and queit of Lake Keowee. If you haven’t read my last few posts (you’re in luck! They are archived all the way back to like 2010), you may not have realized all of […]
167May 20, 2020
It’s raining right now around Lake Keowee and it will continue to do so for the rest of the week. That’s a good thing for this time of year as we head into the heat of a typical South Carolina summer. The ground needs to build up some reserves. It’s been a fairly wet spring […]
168May 13, 2020
…for socializing from a distance is Lake Keowee. If you’re out on your boat, you can talk to folks in another boat and it’s quite difficult to not keep your distance. As I referred to last week if you are on your dock you can easily talk with your neighbors on their dock while keeping […]
169Apr 29, 2020
Some looks to be poking through the vail of pandemia that masks Lake Keowee as various governors, including ours in SC, explore plans to allow businesses, the world, etc. to reopen. Certainly looks to be a bit of throwing caution to the wind, but folks also need to get on with life at some point […]
170Apr 8, 2020
Sure is difficult on the real estate industry, although I’m certain it’s difficult on a lot of industries not to mention a horrible strain on the health care industry. Great news for the TP industry – can you short them after the pandemic when everyone realizes they have way too much? Big question for all […]