The Aroma Lake Keowee
If peace and serenity had a fragrance, they would smell like a fall day on Lake Keowee. Days like these…cool in the morning with crystal clear views out to the mountains and a few wisps of clouds in the azure sky, simply awe inspiring! To top it off, this morning we had the good fortune to have one of our current property owners come in and sit down with us for a bit, just gushing about how beautiful it is on Lake Keowee especially in the morning. Sipping coffee and watching the steam rise off of the water, can you picture it? You need to get here, see it for yourself and make it a part of your morning routine by becoming an owner, too!
Back to the business of getting you here (if you aren’t already). We’re working on another couple of contracts this week as well as putting together some strong tours. Activity has slowed, but fortunately it hasn’t stopped altogether. As I often say about Lake Keowee and Jocassee real estate in the fall and winter, there aren’t as many people looking but they are considerably more intent on doing business. And why not? Now is a fantastic time to look at property. The leaves are beautiful and also starting to fall off of the trees making it easier to see potential views, and the property in its entirety. Also, sellers are getting worried because their property didn’t sell in the spring or summer and have been told they’ll probably have to wait until next year for a deal. In my opinion you as a buyer would be best served to look NOW! You sellers, see above. There are still serious people looking so make sure your property is priced right and looking its best!
Check out the Lake Keowee Real Estate Video Update Below!
If you want to know more about anything we do, would like to see us discuss a particular subject, or have some suggestions for changes/additions to our format, take a moment to send us an email at [email protected] or [email protected]. We would really appreciate your input!