Oct 3, 2024
No, those trees aren’t supposed to be that way. All over our houses, important wires, cars, etc. We here around Lake Keowee are having to do a bit of clean-up (bit means a lot) currently as the area struggles to get everything back up and running again. Several folks are still with out power and most are without Internet. Fingers crossed that things can get back to normal for most folks fairly soon. It’s been a difficult few days for sure.
Sep 18, 2024
Over the past week, we’ve had some encouraging property tours resulting in one Lake Keowee waterfront home going under contract, so far. We looked at an interesting house that we expect to put on the market in a couple of weeks as well. All in all, another notable week, with the expectation that the theme will continue. There are buyers in the market and some sellers are putting their properties on the market at a steady pace. It would be nice for those buyers to have a few more choices, hint…hint.
Sep 11, 2024
We moved some more Lake Keowee real estate last week as we were able to close on over $850,000 worth of Lake Keowee waterfront lots. We also put an interior Keowee Key lot under contract, another waterfront lot under contract and added a new Lake Keowee waterfront lot listing (the one we put under contract, it was a gooood one!). We expect more of the same this week as we’ll be looking to add another Lake Keowee waterfront home to the mix. It appears buyers and sellers like this time of year around Lake Keowee, as well.
Sep 4, 2024
Tough Labor Day Weekend for the Clemson, Florida State and Virginia Tech fans around Lake Keowee. You Georgia fans are feeling frisky again, congratulations your team looked dominate on the field. Hopefully, Clemson will get another chance in a couple of months. You just never know. What does this have to do with Lake Keowee real estate? Nothing really, just put me in a bad mood and I’ve got to talk about it with somebody.
Aug 21, 2024
So where does that leave us? We have a couple of great lake Keowee waterfront houses we hope to get under contract this week and we have plenty of time to add a few more! Feel free to contact us so we can let you know if putting yours on the market is a good idea (hint: it is!).
Aug 14, 2024
Another good week as folks continue to envision that dream home on Lake Keowee. We put a waterfront home under contract along with a Lake Keowee waterfront lot. We will be adding two more Lake Keowee waterfront homes to our inventory to replace the one we just sold and then some, but it’d be better if we added three or four.
Put yours on the market. It’s time. The summer is more than halfway over and there are so many amazing things you can do with that money. Why wait?
Aug 7, 2024
All we know for certain is that we’ve added some great listings over the past week and plan to get some of those buyers in the doors and put their boots on the ground. Check out 199 Luther Land Rd., 302 Meadowlark Lane and Lot 30 Harborside. We are hopeful we can get these under contract quickly. If you know anybody who may have interest, pass those links along or simply have them give us a call. We also have a few million more in real estate to close before the end of August. 2024 is too early to call, let’s see what the 4th quarter has to offer.
Jul 31, 2024
We’ve had a good week, closing $4.5M in Lake Keowee waterfront real estate and getting 4 new listings that should soon turn into more Lake Keowee waterfront closings. It’s exciting stuff and leads us to believe the market will stay strong for a good while longer. We keep waiting for the presidential election to have an effect but doesn’t seem to be happening, at least not yet. Everything is rolling right along.
So let’s keep it going. We don’t have any listings set up to add next week so we need y’all to step up to the plate and help us out. Send folks our way and you be sure to tag along. We can handle it!
Jul 24, 2024
That commitment is paying off as we were able to put another Lake Keowee waterfront lot under contract along with an interior home with boat slip. Just bit shy of $1M in Lake Keowee real estate, but who’s counting? We are…all the time as we sell ourselves out of inventory. I said that to say this: we need more good listings. We have a couple of houses and lots that may be ready to go but haven’t pulled the trigger yet. We need y’all out there talking us up to your friends, those who may be at the time to let that Lake Keowee real estate go…it could even be you. It is a great time to sell as you’ve gotten to enjoy the summer of 2024 and could still profit by 2024’s end.
Jul 10, 2024
July 4, 2024 is in the rear-view mirror meaning half the year is there, as well. Anytime I think about time nowadays it feels like it is speeding up. Is it? Wasn’t it just Christmas? Maybe, Christmas in July. That’s why we all must focus hard on living our absolute best lives. You never know when you will finish the race. Obviously, it’s easier to enjoy life when you do things like own a piece of property on Lake Keowee where you can launch a jet ski any time you have the compulsion (or compelsion if you’re from Mayberry). As I’ve said more than once, it’s hard not to have a smile on your face when you’re cruising the lake on one of those.