I Can Smell the Turkey!
How do you like your turkey? Roasted? Brined and baked? Smoked or deep fried? It’s really hard to complain about any of those. In fact, as I type this, my Pavlovian response has me headed to the fridge for a snack. I’m sure some of you folks subscribe to the “eat healthy all the time” mantra, and while we do to certain extent, Thanksgiving for the Roaches is an exception (among other holidays, special occasions, big games, the weekend, Tuesday, the entire list may be a bit arduous). But hopefully you are taking some time off to enjoy your family and life in general.
As for Lake Keowee real estate, this is a good time of year. Lots of folks, just like you, are on the Internet looking at our Web site; we are currently averaging between 88 and 128 visitors per day along with between 75 and 125 video views per day. Those kinds of numbers add up quickly and hopefully will continue to lead to getting folks excited about Lake Keowee. We’ve been able to put a couple of properties under contract over the past week and list 3 more beautiful properties, if you read our Lake Keowee real estate blog consistently, that may sound like a broken record, pardon the grossly out of date simile.
Every week I tell you to “make your property shine”! Here are a few simple ways to do that. If you own a lot, make sure it is under-brushed, easily accessible, dock permit or dock in place, and has all of the lot lines marked with tape and easily seen from many areas on the property. Do those things and you’ll be leaps and bounds ahead of your competition. Don’t do it and be prepared to blend into the backdrop and for me to lecture you again. So, happy shining!
Check out the Lake Keowee Real Estate Video Update Below!
If you want to know more about anything we do, would like to see us discuss a particular subject, or have some suggestions for changes/additions to our format, take a moment to send us an email at [email protected] or [email protected]. We would really appreciate your input!