Apr 10, 2024
Just in time to knock down the pollen around Lake Keowee comes a little bit of rain for the next few days before a stunning Lake Keowee area weekend. College basketball is over, baseball is in full swing and lake season is standing on our throats laughing. Kids will be out of school before you know it and clamoring to get on the water. If you want to be the hero in this story, you NEED to have your own piece of Lake Keowee real estate. That’s where we come in.
Mar 13, 2024
We’re declaring the warm and sunny season around Lake Keowee currently as we head out to do our Lake Keowee real estate work in shorts. In the mornings when it’s 40 degrees, it’s maybe not such a great idea, but by the middle of the day when the temperature hits 70 degrees we look like soothsayers. The flowers are emerging and the leaves are starting to sprout on the trees. Just makes you feel good!
Feb 28, 2024
We need the Lake Keowee area showers to soak the soil for all those flowers that will start popping up real soon. I’ve already seen a few early season shots of yellows and pinks. Before you know it, we’ll all have the weed eaters and the lawn mowers blazing. Spring is about to get sprung!
Feb 14, 2024
While enjoying a gorgeous day around Lake Keowee, I chanced upon a newspaper that had the current weather forecast for the Lake Keowee area. Seeing as the college baseball season is starting this weekend, I assumed it’d show that there will be three incredible, springlike days coming up on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Much to my surprise/dismay, it predicted rain and possibly snow on Saturday. Knock it off! Don’t go ruining my early spring, Old Man Winter! Don’t y’all head out to buy bread and milk, I’ll bet you a dozen Krispy Kreme Hot Nows we won’t see the first flake of snow. Spring is here!
May 10, 2023
Temperatures are in the 80’s around Lake Keowee and you all know what that means: Hit the water ASAP! We’ve been ready for that for months now, but I have to admit we’ve already hit the water a couple of times but now we get to do it in earnest while also actually hitting the water by physically getting into it instead of just gliding across it at supersonic speed. One of the many experiences that make summer fun and if you don’t already own a piece of Lake Keowee real estate, now is the time to make that a reality. You know we are here for you!
Nov 13, 2019
It doesn’t feel like fall around Lake Keowee anymore. It’s cold outside or at least what passes for cold in our area with a high temperature of 45 degrees today and a low in the TWENTIES (and yes I’m yelling that – please don’t be offended). The saving grace is the leaves are still breathtaking […]