Mar 12, 2025
You may have noticed that the stock market is on a bit of a wild ride. Did that maybe make you think there could be a recession on the horizon? I can promise you this, it may not happen this month, but it will happen eventually. Maybe it’s time for you to take advantage of prices being at all-time highs by putting your Lake Keowee real estate on the market. Why not let us look for/with you at where your current value sits? How much time are you going to spend at the lake this year? Is it time to give someone else a shot at our incredible Lake Keowee?
Feb 26, 2025
Unless, of course, there is a problem. That problem will be a lack of inventory in many categories, unless all y’all help us out. Not just y’all, but ALL Y’ALL! We need more listings (hint: we always need more listings, but now we’re severely short of what we consider a normal market, making it a really good time for you to list your property!). We can come out and look at your Lake Keowee house or lot and give you an idea of the current value (it’s probably more than you think).
Feb 5, 2025
As I sit here writing this Lake Keowee Real Estate Expert Blog, the temperature is a balmy 79 degrees. That’s a Chamber of Commerce Day for us, especially since it’s February! I’m not foolish enough to think temps will stay like this for long as I expect us to see at least one or two more serious cold snaps prior to spring popping by and saying, “Hello, how’s the family?”. It does bring to mind the idea of spring, though, and the fact that now is the time to get your Lake Keowee real estate on the market!
Jan 29, 2025
Your job, should you choose to accept it, is quite simple; think deeply about how much you are using your Lake Keowee real estate, what are your future plans, could selling your property in a really hot market be a REALLY good idea? Once you’ve thought enough and come up with some questions (such as what my property is currently worth) it’s time to give us a call at 864-270-9186 or drop us an email at MIkeRoach@topgunsrealty.com or MattRoach@topgunsrealty.com.
Dec 18, 2024
It’s really that time of year around Lake Keowee with folks realizing (me) that we have less than a week until Christmas. Got to get stocking stuffers, presents, etc., etc. and sell as much Lake Keowee real estate as is possible this time of year. It’s all a bit more complicated when you are trying to plan around everyone’s personal and business schedules.
Jun 26, 2024
We’re in need of the cool, clear waters of Lake Keowee these late June days as the temperatures have jumped into the 90’s. Plenty of folks are out taking advantage of the relief the water gives. Over the weekend we traveled all around Keowee, enjoying the cool spray and taking several dips. It’s a lot better than mowing the grass.
May 22, 2024
Lake Keowee Real Estate Expert Blog Rampin’ Up
We are ramping up for Summer around Lake Keowee as the temperature continues to climb and the High Schoolers finish out their last week of school. It’s on!
May 8, 2024
The good news for us is we have 5 Lake Keowee properties in various stages of preparation for the market along with some excellent recently added listings. We were also able to put some very nice (and fortunate) folks in a $1.4M Lake Keowee home last week. Things are looking bright for 2024. That should be a slogan of some sort (Marketing? Get on that right away. I’m sure Ernie will have great ideas). We will probably run into a few headwinds as we get closer to election season, but we expect the spring and summer to be strong. A lot of folks still have money in their pockets and are ready to spend.
May 1, 2024
Another good week as we have been able to close on a $1.4M Lake Keowee waterfront house and have a line on a couple of good new listings. The buyers have been a bit slower this week, but as the weather gets consistently warmer that will take care of itself. Make sure you take time to check out our current listings. Have some special ones you may find exciting. Who knows, you may have a friend who would need a place close by you can use to take the kids from time to time.
Apr 25, 2024
Over the past week we’ve been able to close on one house and a Cliffs Springs lot. We’ll close on another Lake Keowee waterfront home and lot over the next few days. We’ve just added a spectacular home in Breacon Shores, 519 Beacon Shores Dr., and have a line on another Lake Keowee interior lot we plan to add to the inventory soon. That’s the kind of busy we love. Just need to keep it moving.